Being members who come from the role of BizMem, but they will become big entrepreneurs, big bosses via real estate investment on BIZVERSE such as buying/renting and building vrLands, vrMalls/vrExpos, then they organize business activities, leasing/selling vrStores/vrBooths/vrPanos/vrBanners/vrHalls. In addition to the profit from investing in vrMall and vrExpo, BizBoss can also generate additional revenue from the activities of attracting people to visit and purchase at the vrMalls and vrExpos they own or use. BizBoss holding many vrMalls in an area (holding more than 70% of vrMalls in the total supply of vrMall of that city) will have many chances to become a Mayor of the city vrCity with a lot of voting rights in the DAO. At a higher level, BizBoss holding more than 60% of cities in total supply in a country will become a President of that country on BIZVERSE with many rights when voting policy decisions BIZVERSE in the future.
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